Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Students Guide

Student 14-16 Guide Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Aims and objectives Business ownership Culture Direct selling Ethics Factors of Production Growth Higher grades Insolvency Job advertisement Kellogg and the product life cycle Logistics Marketing mix New product development Organisational functions Pre-issued Case Studies Quantitative and Qualitative market research Recruitment Stakeholders Training Unseen Case Studies View all the latest www. tt100. biz Xchange ideas You ZZZZZZZzzzzz 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students Listings Visit www. tt100. biz for Case Studies on these topics from the following organisations. Aims and objectives Effective workplaces Aims, objectives and values Enterprising managers Ansoff’s matrix Ethical supply chain Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics Customer service Factors of Production Developing new fuels Inclusion For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 3 Listings Liability Ownership Market research PESTLE/SLEPT analysis Meeting changing needs Product portfolio Meeting customers’ needs Quality Mutuals Re-branding New product development Recruitment and selection Organisational structures Recruitment, selection and training 4 For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students Listings Recruitment, selection and training Sustainability Re-positioning The sales function Roles of departments Total quality management Segmentation and customer needs Training Stakeholders Training for growth Support for business Unions For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 5 A Aims and objectives Aims are the overall goals that a business seeks to achieve. Aims can be broken down into objectives. Usually, objectives are more precise than aims. Because the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and the Department of Health sponsor the National Healthy Schools Programme (NHSP), they are responsible for shaping its aims and objectives. The Programme’s key aims are to: 1. raise levels of achievement across the school population 2. reduce health inequality 3. promote social inclusion. (Social inclusion is an approach that includes all members of a society rather than excluding already disadvantaged individuals and groups. ) Ideally all aims and objectives should be SMART. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic (or relevant) Time related. Check the website to see what this means with a practical example – The National Healthy Schools Programme. 6 To find out more about aims and objectives check out www. tt100. biz/hda Business ownership B There are a number of different types of business ownership: Sole Traders – are owned and controlled by one person who is responsible for providing all the capital and running of the business with unlimited liability. Partnership – two or more people form a business and share responsibility and costs. They also have unlimited liability. Private Limited Companies – are owned by an individual or a small number of people. Public Limited Companies – owned by shareholders but the shares are open for anyone to buy on the stock exchange. Mutuals – organisations where the owners are also their customers, Nationwide is a Mutual. This brings certain advantages. BUILDING SOCIETIES Members BANKS Shareholders Charge less to borrowers and pay more to savers Charge more to borrowers and pay less to savers Top Tip Ownership always appears in examinations. Make sure you know the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of ownership. In particular, you’ll need to remember what liability means. Liability means being responsible for paying the company’s debts. It can be â€Å"limited† when it is restricted to the amount invested or â€Å"unlimited† where all personal assets can be used to pay off a company’s debts. To read this Case Study and more on Nationwide log on to www. tt100. biz/nationwide 7 C Culture ‘Culture’ describes the typical way an organisation does things, including patterns of behaviour and relationships. Important aspects of culture at Coca-Cola Great Britain are an emphasis on teamwork and empowerment. This reflects the culture of The Coca-Cola Company as a whole. By creating a friendly, innovative culture, Coca-Cola Great Britain is able to depend on a high quality workforce. This helps it to maintain brand leadership in Great Britain and in every other market in which it operates. Top Fact The Coca-Cola Company owns or licences nearly 400 brands in non-alcoholic beverages serving consumers in over 200 countries. ‘Coca-Cola', ‘Coke' and the design of the ‘Coca-Cola' Contour Bottle are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company. 8 To find out more about organisational structures visit www. tt100. biz/culture Direct selling D This is where an organisation deals direct with consumers in their homes or by phone or mail. Amway is one of the world’s largest direct sales companies. It works with around 3 million Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in more than 80 countries. IBOs are usually individuals running an enterprise selling goods. These IBOs are the link between Amway and the final consumer. They are also Amway’s links with citizens and communities across the globe. As a direct selling company, they sell products directly to consumers and bypass the traditional ‘high street’. In the UK Amway distributes a variety of products: Personal Care Skin Care & Colour Cosmetics Durables Nutrition and Wellness Catalogue Items Home Care Fragrances, body care and hair care products A range of skincare and colour cosmetics, Cookware and water treatment systems Food supplements, food and drinks Third party electrical goods Laundry, cleaning, and car care products For more detail on direct selling go to www. tt100. biz/amway 9 E Ethics Ethics are moral principles that affect the way in which an individual or a business behaves. A simple way of looking at ethics is to consider what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and select the ‘right’ option. Ethical companies do the right thing and concern themselves with the long term. Research shows Vodafone’s strong position. Stakeholders perceptions of Vodafone’s CSR Performance Competitor 1 Public 25% Opinion 10% formers Competitor 2 Public 29% The graph shows how Vodafone is perceived in comparison with other operators with regard to how seriously it takes its responsibilities to society and the environment. Groups of opinion formers and members of the public were asked:â€Å"How seriously do you think company X takes its responsibilities to society and the environment? The percentages show the number Insert graph Pg 2 Col ‘very of respondents replying 1 Para 2 seriously’ or ‘fairly seriously’. Opinion 14% formers Competitor 3 Public 23% Opinion 5% formers Vodafone Public 27% Opinion 33% formers Testing Times How can being ethical benefit an organisation like Vodafone? Check your answer at www. tt100. biz/student For further explanation of e thics go online to 10 www. tt100. biz/vodafone Factors of Production F Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise are the factors of production. Suppose you wanted to start a business. What would you need? First, you would have to decide what products your business would offer. This decision would influence your view on what premises (or land) you needed, the kind of machinery required and the type of labour to be employed. In addition, you would need to find the money (capital) to pay for setting up all these things. Above all, however, you would need organisational skills. In business terms an ability to organise, together Product Capital with a willingness to take Land or Enterprise Labour risks in pursuit of financial Service returns, is called enterprise. Some would consider enterprise to be the most important of the four factors of production, as poorly run businesses rarely survive for long. Land Securities is a property company. One of its main activities is renting out the buildings it owns. Testing Times Factors of production is a regular question on examination papers. Log on to get a detailed explanation of each of the factors of production and how Land Securities combines them. To find out more about factors of production check out www. tt100. biz/land_securities 11 G Growth As organisations grow and develop they may change their type of ownership to suit their circumstances. A business owner may start as a sole trader. Funding may become a pressing problem as the business grows and the sole trader needs, say, to buy new equipment or to move to larger premises. In this case a sole trader may then decide to become a private limited company, which can raise additional money through a private share issue. A growing business needs capital, this might be raised through: †¢ issue of new shares (known as a ‘new issue’) †¢ retained profit †¢ overdraft †¢ bank loan †¢ hire purchase †¢ sale and leaseback. A growing business might ‘go public’ and raise funds through a public issue of shares on the stock market, (a market on which stocks and shares are sold) known as a new issue. It is a good way for businesses to raise funds and grow. Investors can then purchase these shares and become shareholders. Investors can put money into manufacturing companies e. g. Cadbury Schweppes. They can also invest in investment trusts. These are companies whose only purpose is to invest in other companies. 12 For more detail on growth log on to www. tt100. biz/aitc Higher grades H Higher grades can be achieved by using examples from the Case Studies. Examiners really like it when you can relate class work to real organisations; they give you extra marks! At www. tt100. biz you can find loads of Case Studies showing how wellknown organisations actually implement the theory that you study. It’s also very likely that you will come across Case Studies in your exams. You will be able to find practice exam papers and mark schemes to help you prepare for your exams on the website. If you can’t find what you want straight away, use the site navigation to get to exactly where you need to go. We have great Case Studies in a variety of formats to meet your own needs: †¢ full 2000 word versions as those in the binder †¢ summaries – 500 word versions †¢ Brief Cases – 500 word versions – with shorter sentences and less technical words. You’ll also find †¢ Interactive Quizzes Test knowledge with these fun, interactive quizzes covering the key topics at 14-16. Use them with the Case Studies or on their own as revision – it’s up to you. †¢ Text Book Theory Save yourself time by checking out the theory whilst you’re on the site. Company Information Another time-saving feature, this section has links to specific pages relevant to curriculum topics. †¢ Glossary Check out what business words and phrases mean by using our glossary of terms. For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 13 I Insolvency Insolvency means a business cannot pay the bills/monies that it owes. Taking a risk means riskin g failure as well as success. A business may fail because it has not correctly assessed the risks it faces. Many businesses succeed but others fail, they become insolvent. This means they do not have enough assets (what they own) that they can turn into cash quickly enough to pay their pressing liabilities (what they owe). By law, the owners of small enterprises, including all sole traders and most partnerships, have unlimited liability for the debts of the business. This means that if the business is insolvent the owners may have to sell the things they own (including their homes) to meet the liabilities of the business. Exam Tip Liability appears frequently on most exam papers. There are plenty of examples and explanations on The Times 100 website. To read this Case Study and more on the Insolvency Service visit 14 www. tt100. biz/insolvency_service Job advertisement The Legal Services Commission (LSC) requires talented people and needs to communicate this in its recruitment advertisements. They provide compelling reasons why many talented people with an interest in the welfare of society look to work for the LSC in a range of roles. J Testing Times Where do you feel would be the best place for this advertisement to be located? Local shop Local newspaper National newspaper Check your answer at www. tt100. biz/students To learn more on the Legal Services Commission go to ww. tt100. biz/legal_services 15 K Kellogg and the product life cycle The product life cycle is the stages that a product passes through from design and development to it being taken off the market. Initially the product will grow and flourish. However, as new competitors come into the market and as excitement about the product falls, then the product enters a n ew life cycle stage termed maturity. If the product is not handled carefully at this stage we may see saturation of the market and the onset of a decline in interest. Life Cycle Sales Maturity Decline Growth Introduction Time Testing Times At which point in the product life cycle is advertising and promotion likely to be largest? Check your answer at www. tt100. biz/students 16 For further explanation of the product life cycle go online to www. tt100. biz/kelloggs Logistics L Logistics is another name for distribution. This involves moving raw materials to manufacturers and finished products to shops. Wincanton plc specialises in designing, implementing and operating solutions to customers’ supply problems. It can also manage all aspects of delivery and storage of goods for other firms. This is known as ‘supply chain management’. The company’s activities include: †¢ moving bulk raw materials †¢ organising the movement of supplies to companies †¢ managing the movement of finished goods to customers †¢ managing warehouse facilities. Top Fact Distribution accounts for 20% (on average) of the final costs of goods to customers. For more details on logistics visit www. tt100. biz/wincanton 17 M Marketing mix Argos makes sure that it meets the needs of its customers. Marketing involves understanding who the customers are and what they want through internal data sources such as sales figures and through consumer research Marketing The right products In the right place At the right price With the right promotional activities Top Fact About 80% of Argos customers have already decided what they want to buy before visiting the store or website. Testing Times What methods can a company use to make sure it gets all these things right and reduces the risk of getting them wrong? Check your answer at www. tt100. biz/students 18 To find out more about the marketing mix check out www. tt100. biz/argos New product development N The process of bringing a new product to the market, normally based on research and development to meet the needs of customers. It is vital that large companies use their research and development capabilities to bring to the market new, alternative forms of fuel and energy, whilst at the same time modifying existing fuels derived from crude oil to make them more ecologically efficient in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Shell has pioneered the development of several new fuels e. g. hydrogen filling stations in Iceland, USA and The Netherlands. These fuel sources use water and renewable electricity to provide hydrogen to power cars. This hydrogen is free from carbon. Fuel cell engines running on hydrogen could make vehicle transport genuinely sustainable. Hydrogen can be made locally and water is the only direct emission. Carbon emissions can be zero if the hydrogen is produced by using renewable power to electrolyse water. Shell Hydrogen is building a commercial business to begin tapping this potential. To read this Case Study and more on Shell go to www. tt100. biz/shell 19 O Organisational functions Organisations arrange their employees into different departments and areas. Cummins’ main activities is manufacturing engines and generators. Its departments are: †¢ Manufacturing – Making engines to the highest possible quality and reducing waste and inefficiency. Roles within manufacturing include people working on the factory shop floor as machine operators and as technicians. †¢ Administration – Ensuring the smooth operation of the manufacturing process by offering appropriate administrative support. †¢ Engineering – Designing engines etc and developing the prototypes to their full potential. †¢ Sales and marketing – Discovering customers’ needs and wants. Finding and developing sales opportunities for the company’s products. †¢ Human resources – Recruiting, selecting and training staff to meet customers’ needs. Purchasing and Logistics – Ensuring that components arrive just-in-time (just before they are required for the next step in the process) and that finished goods are shipped around the world quickly and cost effectively. There are Case Studies about Cummins on the website. Log on and look at different areas of the business. 20 To find out more on organisation al functions visit www. tt100. biz/cummins Pre-issued Case Studies P Some exams have pre-issued Case Studies – ask your teacher whether there will be any in your exam. A good way to get a feel for a pre-issued Case Study is to carry a SWOT analysis. This should let you pick out the main elements and possible problems/solutions that the organisation is facing. Remember Strengths and Weaknesses are internal, Opportunities and Threats are external. You should be able to identify the main topics from the specification you are following. Make sure you fully understand these topics by logging on to www. tt100. biz and using the topic navigation to go directly to a Case Study which covers that area. This will make sure you fully understand the topic and, importantly, can apply it in an exam situation. You’ll find lots of practice exams with answers at www. t100. biz. Practise answering these papers which are written in the same style as your real papers. This is excellent preparation. STUDENT GUIDES Check out our student guides with hints on levels of response, preparing for exams, an A-Z of help including topic summaries, definitions and much more. INTERACTIVE QUIZZES Test your knowledge with our interactive quizzes, check your results and try again to get them all right! Access specifications and practice papers through www. tt100. biz/students 21 Q Quantitative & Qualitative market research Quantitative data is information that can be measured. Questions with yes/no answers – known as closed questions – are used. Qualitative data is all about people’s feelings and opinions. It is often obtained through ‘open’ questions (i. e. What do you like about it? ). 1. Quantitative research. This involves collecting information from an appropriate sample of shoppers to find out what their views are of Homebase and the customer service that it offers. An important source is a postal survey which Homebase conducts amongst a sample of Spend & Save loyalty card holders. This is done three times a year to gauge satisfaction with, and loyalty to, Homebase. The survey allows Homebase to monitor satisfaction over time and highlight any areas that may be causing customers problems. Homebase is then able to analyse the frequency of problems relating to specific areas such as customer service, layout of stores, product range and delivery service. 2. Qualitative research typically involves smaller scale research about values and views rather than hard facts. For example, qualitative research involves interviewing small groups of customers to find out what their views are of customer service at Homebase. Exam Tip Questions often refer to sources of data. Make sure you know a few such as: †¢ questionnaire †¢ interviews †¢ web polls †¢ government sources. Also make sure you know the difference between primary and secondary research. Primary research is carried out by the firm itself. Secondary research is data a company finds that has been done by someone else. To read this Case Study and more on Homebase go to 22 www. tt100. biz/homebase Recruitment R This is the process from where an organisation decides it has a position vacant and needs to employ someone, to the point where application forms are submitted for the vacancy. Selection is the next step. Audi provides a comprehensive recruitment service to all Audi Centres, which includes role profiles, pay advice, recruitment advertising, interview guidelines and assessment centres for selection. Audi provides job descriptions for all roles including Apprentice and Audi Technician, based on researching the activities that high quality employees will be expected to perform. Testing Times What is the difference between a Job Description and Personnel Specification? Check your answer at www. tt100. biz/students For more detail on recruitment log onto www. tt100. biz/audi 23 S Stakeholders A stakeholder is any individual or group that is affected in some way by a company’s activities. The following identifies some of the stakeholders in Cadbury Schweppes: Stakeholder grouping Interest in the company Shareholders Owners of shares in the company. These are Looking for sustainable, healthy dividend payments primarily large institutions but also include a large and a rising share price. number of individual shareholders. Consumers Millions of people worldwide who buy and/or Wanting to buy treats or refreshments that provide consume Cadbury Schweppes products. hem with quality,taste and value. They also want to enjoy their favourite brands as well as exciting new products. Employees People who work for the company, Cadbury Looking to the company to offer good terms and Schweppes has over 50,000 employees around the conditions of employment, a healthy and safe world. working environment and opportunities for personal and professional development. Society Organisations the company works with that have an interest in the communities in which the company operates, such as local governments, international agencies, non-governmental organisations and trade unions. Wanting the company to act responsibly and respect the communities in which it operates. For example, assisting and supporting communities, respecting the environment, trading ethically and respecting human rights. Testing Times Customers and suppliers are also groups of stakeholders. †¢ What do they do? What do they want? Write your answer down and check it at www. tt100. biz/students To read this Case Study and more on Cadbury Schweppes log on to 24 www. tt100. biz/cadbury Training T Training is the development of skills and knowledge to allow employees to carry out their roles more efficiently. McDonald’s training involves a number of stages. The first is at the Welcome Meetings. These set out the company’s standards and expectations. This is followed by a structured development programme that provides training in all areas of business. Crew trainers work shoulder-to-shoulder with trainees while they learn the operations skills necessary for running each of the 11 workstations in each restaurant, from the front counter to the grill area. All employees learn to operate stateof-the-art foodservice equipment, gaining knowledge of McDonald’s operational procedures. The majority of training is floor based, or ‘on-the-job’ training because people learn more and are more likely to retain information if they are able to practise as they learn. All new employees have an initial training period. Here they are shown the basics and allowed to develop their skills to a level where they are competent in each area within the restaurant. The timescale for this depends on their status i. e. full or part-time. They will also attend classroom-based training sessions where they will complete workbooks for quality, service and cleanliness. Testing Times Can you think of three different types of training? For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/mcdonalds 25 U Unseen Case Studies You are not expected to develop a great deal of data analysis due to the time constraints – look for general trends in data. Has it got better or worse? Place a + or a – sign to help you when you look back. Ensure you use the actual figures given and not vague descriptions such as ‘it’s bigger’. You will get more marks is you say ‘the data shows an increase of 10%’. Try to look for themes within the case. What styles of management or communication can you see? Try to link these to the theory you have been taught and the specification you are following. The Times 100 has created a number of practice examinations to help you prepare for your final exam. Log on and download a practice paper then check how you would have done by accessing the mark scheme online. You can access all specifications through the website using the search by exam instructions. 26 For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students View V View all the latest Case Study and exam information at www. t100. biz. You can download all the Case Studies and view them in different sizes depending on what you want: †¢ full size †¢ summary †¢ Brief Case. Make sure you keep checking back on the site as it will be updated with new material to support your lessons in class and help you prepare for examinations. No matter what Business Studies course you are taking you will find all the information you need a t www. tt100. biz. All the information can be downloaded which lets you design and build up an excellent set of notes for yourself to help you revise key topic areas. Seeing how real businesses deal with the same topics you are covering in school or at home will develop your understanding and appreciation. For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 27 W www. tt100. biz www. tt100. biz for all your business studies needs. Differentiated to suit all needs and abilities and available online. Case Studies are available at three levels: †¢ full 2000 word versions as those in the binder †¢ summaries – 500 word – versions †¢ Brief Cases – 500 word versions – with shorter sentences and less technical words. Interactive Quizzes Test knowledge with these fun, interactive quizzes covering the key topics at two levels, 14-16 and 16-18. Use them with the Case Studies or on their own as revision – it’s up to you. Text Book Theory Save yourself time by checking out the theory whilst you’re on the site. Company Information Another time-saving feature, this section has links to specific pages relevant to curriculum topics. Glossary Check out what business words and phrases means by using our glossary of terms. STUDENT GUIDES Check out our student guides with hints 8 For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students Xchange of ideas X Xchange ideas with your friends about topic areas. You’ll probably find that your friends are really good at some of the areas you have problems with and that you’ll be able to help them in areas they are not so good in. Test each other with quick fire definitions and glossary of terms, all of which can be found on the websit e. Examiners like to see students using the right terms to support their work, which means they hand out a lot of marks for these areas. Don’t miss out on picking up some easy marks. Why not challenge one of your friends to an online quiz? See who really does know the most about a particular topic, and if you don’t do so well, practice so that next time you’ll come out on top – both in the quiz and in class. For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 29 Y You You need to ensure that you are fully prepared for your examination. Past papers are excellent practice. You can get most of them free from the examination board website – with answers. You can access these from the links on www. tt100. biz. Just reading theory and business books will help to a point, but seeing how it really works will stick in your memory much better. The Times 100 Case Studies are written and designed to help you see how theory works in the real business world. Start making your own revision guides up. Pick out the parts from the Case Studies which interest and stimulate you. Mind mapping topics is a really good way to remember key areas. Look at the following – you can develop this as far as you need to. A Case Study like Arcadia will help you. Autocratic Democratic Characteristics Management Styles Theory Paternalistic Type of organisation 30 For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz Z Make sure you get plenty of rest before your exams. This means don’t leave the revision too late and try and cram it all in the night before. Research shows that little and often means you learn and remember more. Make sure you plan your time. Draw up a revision timetable which also builds in time for when you are not studying. Exercise and fresh air are equally important and keep will your body in shape as The Times 100 will keep your mind in shape. Starting revision early will ensure you don’t put yourself under excessive pressure and will allow you to identify topic areas that you are weak on or find difficult to understand. By identifying and tackling them early on you won’t be worrying about them. Don’t forget you can always ask your teacher for advice and guidance. Remember simple things such as keeping yourself hydrated can make a massive difference. So drink plenty of water! www. tt100. biz For more information log on to www. tt100. biz/students 31 Something new for Edition 10 At the bottom of our web pages you will find a magnifying glass. Behind some of the magnifying glasses there is a hidden letter. Collect the letters and re-arrange them to spell a well-known business studies term. Once you have registered your answer on our competition page, you will be asked a simple question, connected to the term. This will ensure your entry into our competition prize draw, where one lucky winner will receive vouchers for the High Street store of their choice. Go to www. tt100. biz and start searching today. Good luck!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


I. Executive Summary The researchers Nikki Y Pulumbarit and Jessa P Alberto are both graduates with degrees in Hospitality Management at Mariano Quinto Alarilla Polytechnic College. The business plan entitled MILKYRON it is a variety of polvoron that has the mixture of fish and powdered milk. The product offer a healthful benefit to its clients through promoting consumption of fish specially fot the children who are not fond of eating fish. MILKYRON is very nutritious compared to the other polvoron offered int the market because it contain fish which is a good source of protein and also the milk which is rich in calcium.MILKYRON is very unique because of its flavor and its affordable price. The owners Nikki Y Pulumbarit and Jessa P Alberto are both financially capable on handling a business and the starting capital will be P 100, 000. 00. The mission of the business is to provide unique and healthful variety of polvoron and to consider foremost the satisfaction of the customer. The g oals and objectives of MILKYRON is to start the business on April 25, 2013 and by gaining good customer feedback, to encourage other teenager to build their own business too even they are young. Also to expand our knowledge and capability on handling the business.MILKYRON will be beneficial to its customer because it has the mixture of fish which is good source of protein and milk which is a good source of calcium it is nutritious yet affordable. The future product will be Fishy Yummy Yema also it has the mixture of fish. The business is registered at Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Sole- Proprietorship. Sole Proprietorship is a type of business enetity that is owned and run by a single person. MILKYRON is manage by Nikki Y Pulumbarit as the general manager and Jessa P Alberto as the Assistant Manager.Product manager will be Nikki Y Pulumbarit responsible for over-all running of the business and responsible for securing contracts, financial/ accounting and marketing p urposes. Product Assistant Manager will be Jessa P Alberto responsible for securing employees compensation and responsible for customer service. The product MILKYRON will be marketable based on the data collected through survey answered by the respondents. According to the Age between 12-20 years old want to buy our product. In terms of Gender women are more likely interested on our product, the question â€Å"will you buy MILKYRON? most of the respondents answered that they will buy our product while the other are undecided. The survey also ask them that â€Å"what will be the best drink that will complement on our product? † most of them answered that water is the best complementary drink in MILKYRON. The business will located at Mc Arthur Highway Meycauayan Bulacan because most of the respondents answered that the perfect spot is on Commercial Area. MILKYRON has many competitors these are some, Goldilocks Polvoron, Sasmuan Polvoron who offered a natural kind of polvoron. This proves that our product is very unique because of the fish flavor itself.The price is very affordable it costs only P 5. 00 per piece. MILKYRON will be advertised through fliers, leaflets, tarpaulins and most of the time on social media sites like facebook and twitter. Organization / Person| Description| Purpose| JV Tarpaulin printing| Printing Services| Advertising| Globe Telecom| Mobile Phone Services| Customer Service and Advertising| Savemore Supermarket| Supply Shop| Ingredient Supplier| Engr. Benjamin Moronia Jr. | Financial Advisor| Financial Inquiries andProduct Consultant| K. Dot Computer Services| Computer Service Provider| Computer services|

Monday, July 29, 2019

Holistic Family-oriented Treatment Research Proposal

Holistic Family-oriented Treatment - Research Proposal Example I thought that it is better to choose a topic that will have enough novelty, would be previously unexplored, has possibility of yielding useful results, and would tend to fill the gap of knowledge in an area of healthcare. It is evident that a topic related to holistic medicine would best serve the purpose. To this end given the growing problem of childhood obesity, it would be worthwhile to explore the means of intervention at behavioral levels, since the major problem of childhood obesity is behavioral in terms of control of diet and increase in physical exercise. Since these are matters of personal behaviors, which need to be implemented at the life-course level and given the fact that conventional biomedical models of interventions have failed to implement these interventions successfully, it is clear that there are needs to conduct research so the practice norms related to this area is delineated. The holistic medicine philosophies may have a clue to these, and thus this research could be useful in practice. Obviously, this may not be able to solve the problem of childhood obesity entirely, but it may suggest pathways for new research in order to reach a solution for this ongoing and increasing health problem. My personal belief is that the growing problem of ... These interventions should be evidence based while clinically applicable. Modern biomedical model of healthcare only promotes some concepts which while implemented fail due to incomplete understanding of the matter. Preliminary Review of Literature It was decided from the preliminary review of literature that this topic could be suitable, since there hardly are researches based on the concept and implementation points of views in the holistic health field. Parallel review in the biomedical research indicated failure of interventions to achieve adequate result. Moreover statistical and epidemiological studies indicated growing problem of childhood obesity across the affluent societies worldwide. Therefore, this identified gaps in current knowledge, lack of knowledge about the interactions of different obesogenic covariates, the mode of their interactions at holistic levels, and deficiency of guidelines for clinical practice. In my view, these establish the need for research in this area. Development of the Focus Question The research problem was thus broken into a series of concepts intended to better examine the problem. The basic questions were intended to justify the study in terms of real existence of the problem in childhood obesity, which are related to implementation of interventions. Literature Review Based on the concepts, the key words were decided, and based on these key words, the published literature in the area of childhood obesity, obesogenic factors, role of behavior and family in shaping the behavior, the results and pitfalls in existing interventions against childhood obesity will be reviewed very critically, so the gap in knowledge, fault in implementation, and consequences of lacks in interventions are delineated. In order to establish the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friedrich Nietzsche, details of more specifics below Essay

Friedrich Nietzsche, details of more specifics below - Essay Example After an encounter with the war front in Frankfurt, Nietzsche observed: â€Å"I felt for the first time that the strongest and highest Will to Life does not find expression in a miserable struggle for existence, but in a Will to War, a Will to Power, a Will to Overpower!† (Durant, 406). In the essay â€Å"on Truth and Lies in a Non-Moral Sense†, Nietzsche develops this idea of human existence and survival in relation to the concept of the deceptive nature of truth, or reality, in the time-space configuration they inhabit. The essay begins with a putative reference to the diminutive, momentary, insignificant nature of the place humans inhabit in this universe, which they ironically perceive to be a gigantic, everlasting, all-consuming one. The nature of truth, when one attempts to perceive it in a hypothetical stance that transcends the here and now is a relative one, always constructed in a subjective conceptual framework. The way in which human intellect perceives truth is never in its entirety, but rather through â€Å"illusions† and â€Å"dream images†. â€Å"[T]heir eye glides only over the surface of things and see â€Å"forms†; their feeling nowhere lead into truth, but contents itself with the reception of stimuli†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The means through which people try to define truth is also essentially arbitrary. In the attempt to translate sense perceptions to language, the essence of truth is lost, as language is just a means of conveying received wisdom, based on conventions. Thus, Nietzsche’s apprehensive query, â€Å"Is language the adequate expression of all realities?†. All meaning that can be created with the help of language is dependent on some ultimate quality. Language in itself cannot hold truth in its entirety. According to Nietzsche, we obtain concepts like â€Å"honesty† â€Å"by overlooking what is individual and actual†, but there is the

Economics and Management of Competitive Strategy Assignment

Economics and Management of Competitive Strategy - Assignment Example Likewise, in terms of the cost per movie of the movie studios who are the movie rental supplies, the total cost is the cost of producing the movie. However, to determine the supplier value, it is equal to â€Å"the difference between the payment the firm makes to the supplier and the supplier’s cost† (Spulber, 2009, p. 206). Their cost could be estimated by determining the cost of using their assets; or by calculating their operating profit. Likewise, the costs per movie of the movie rental chain are, therefore, the total costs or expenses that the movie rental chain is willing to pay to deliver the total value to the consumers. Thus, the value created per movie of the movie rental chain is the â€Å"total value created a net of customer value and supplier value† (Spulber, 2009, p. 210). (ii) The retail price per movie is the price paid by the customer per unit of renting a movie; while the wholesale price is the price in volume, of say, renting movies in batches of 10 or more. The factors that affect retail and wholesale prices include transaction cost per unit, direct labor, and overhead costs. Consumers’ surplus is determined by the net benefits from purchasing the goods; while producers’ surplus, also known as operating profit is the supplier value, defined as â€Å"the difference between the payment the firm makes to the supplier and the supplier’s cost† (Spulber, 2009, p. 206). ... lowering supplier cost; (2) providing greater benefits to customers by improving products and services; and (3) developing innovative transactions that offer new value to the market† (Spulber, 2009, p. 210). Likewise, the movie rental chain can increase the value that it captures either through the increase of prices to customers; reducing payments to suppliers, or making more effective use of its assets. (iv) In a rent or sale of DVDs alternative, the movie rental chain should take into consideration the following factors: (1) the costs of paying suppliers (supplier value) for the DVDs to be sold or rented out; (2) direct costs (labor and overhead); and (3) the perceived customer value from either renting or buying DVDs.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Forming an International Organization Assignment

Forming an International Organization - Assignment Example The alliance also seeks to remove the barriers of trade imposed by member states, and this includes the introduction of free movement of goods and people. The alliance will also seek to prevent an emergence of another war, by promoting cohesion and peace within the region. In conclusion, the alliance will have four organizations, each performing different roles. These organizations are the office of presidents, the office of ministers, the administrative unit, and the office of security affairs. The office of the Presidents is the highest authority, and they are responsible for policy formulation. Normally, a policy will be decided by a vote, and a policy that garners majority votes will be implemented. The office of the ministers will be responsible for discussing the methods of implementing the policy, while the administrative unit will have the responsibility of implementing the policy under consideration. The office of security affairs on the other hand will have the responsibility of identifying the internal and external security threats that face the region. This is for purposes of finding a solution on how to mitigate the threats under

Friday, July 26, 2019

Charles Chesnutt Debates Washington and Du Bois Essay

Charles Chesnutt Debates Washington and Du Bois - Essay Example Washington: Of course laws are manipulated to hinder our progress and advancement. But we as blacks, in our own hunger and impatience also endeavor to regulate and manipulate perhaps too much and all at once. Nonetheless, in this social tug of war, we have already managed to strive and attain a compromise with the powers that be. Du Bois: A compromise is not enough. As Chestnutt says, the persistent funk of the matter still exists. This idea about obstructions and obstacles has already been established and understood in all of humanity; it is an absolute truth of all struggles, as in the Greek and Roman tragedies. Obstacles caused by the enemy as well as by the protagonist are inevitable in all epics and in all realities. Such 'evil' powers have always existed to obstruct the advancement of any race, of any people C: Now, beyond fairytales and myths, if we are truly emancipated should not all of society take up the responsibility of our emancipation Should not all of society, black or white, be held accountable for such manipulations of power that continue to degrade and oppress our progress W: Such responsibility and accountability take time. We as blacks have to accommodate ourselves to our newly acquired rights and we need to pacify the fears of the whites to establish a dialogue and a trust. D: Just as much as the whites have to accommodate to us ... Obstacles caused by the enemy as well as by the protagonist are inevitable in all epics and in all realities. Such 'evil' powers have always existed to obstruct the advancement of any race, of any people C: Now, beyond fairytales and myths, if we are truly emancipated should not all of society take up the responsibility of our emancipation Should not all of society, black or white, be held accountable for such manipulations of power that continue to degrade and oppress our progress W: Such responsibility and accountability take time. We as blacks have to accommodate ourselves to our newly acquired rights and we need to pacify the fears of the whites to establish a dialogue and a trust. D: Just as much as the whites have to accommodate to us being free, to us being educated, respected and held among the great intellectuals of society. We cannot humble ourselves too much or we'll be slaves again, brother. W: Yes but absolute emancipation will never happen over night. You cannot merely change white to black by adding in a completely new color which has never existed. The desired shades of grey or any color for that matter must go through their process to reach a compromise. C: Maybe you're right. We don't want white or black, we want white and black, and that is what black folks and white folks do not understand. The war is over. Perhaps it's time for an understanding- D: Well, I think what there needs to be is a sincerely desired resolution by both parties. The blacks need to establish themselves wholeheartedly and maybe even a little forcefully with their God given rights- W: Yet sensibly- D: To an extent. Whereas the whites need to earnestly acknowledge that yes, there must indeed be an acceptance of our rights and not a fear. One cannot try to outsmart

Thursday, July 25, 2019

E Commerce Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

E Commerce Security - Assignment Example E-commerce web applications that handle payments (electronic transactions or use of debit cards, online banking, PayPal, credit cards, or any other keepsakes) have more compliance matters stand at high, and increasing risk from interference than other websites and greater consequences arise if data gets loosed or altered. Banking services stay highly delimited, but even the least electronic retailer is pretentious to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Lately, this has become widely known due to improved enforcement and publicity following 2007 update to clarify and enhance requirements (Ghosh 32).  Safeguarding payment web application systems and users require a combination of technological, administrative and physical controls. Many emerging groups provide reliable security analyst facilities for organizations developing, purchasing or operating such software systems (University 13). Examples of e-commerce security projects include; threat modeling, develo pment of the security model, PCI DSS review and compliance, risk assessment and security awareness training, web site security review, web vulnerability assessment, e-commerce web penetration testing, code security review, electronic crime and Application layer firewall (a web application firewall - WAF) selection (Francesco 33).  Electronic crime, sometimes regarded to as e-crime, cybercrime or technology crime, refers to crimes which can only be committed by use of information technology such as data theft, payment fraud, and phishing. Software called CrimeWare, which can help man-in-the-middle bouts, key logging and botnets are increasingly easy to catch and deploy against relevant targets. Particularly, e-commerce websites get often seen as the "hot spots", especially by organized criminals. While some one-off attacks might be as a result of angry customers, ongoing and organized attacks are more probable to be undertaken within by staff or from outside by organized criminals. The fascination of obtaining payment card details and bank account and the fraud which may subsequently be attempted by the use of compromised data implies that e-commerce applications, like banking services, become a particularly popular target (Ghosh 43).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


BORDER SECURITY ISSUES RESEARCH PROJECT # 3 - Essay Example Argentina’s immigration policy supports migration of permanent immigrants, temporary immigrants and people on transit to other countries. The immigration policy borrows heavily from the Patria Grande plan which allows registration and work permit issue to citizens from the  Mercosur  countries.  Mercosur  countries are mostly in South America who partner with states in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) such as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela. In addition the Argentinean immigration policy addresses several issues that affect immigrants by ensuring protection of basic rights of all immigrants (Hines, 2010). The immigration policy has thus attracted immigrants from many underdeveloped South American countries who come to Argentina to seek jobs in industries. Argentina’s immigration policy has traditionally encouraged European immigration (Organization of American States, 2012). This is evident in the Argentinean constitution which shows that there is a  desire  to promote the migration of people from European states. In addition it is also attributed to the country’s history of European immigration to the country at the end of the 19th  century.   Critics have however argued that this is a rhetoric that promotes preferential treatment to immigrants from European countries. However, various other legislations to promote  equitable  treatment of immigrants  have been enacted. Over the years there have been several cases of people migrating to Argentina from the U.S. Reasons for immigration from America to Argentina include: immigration to work on professional jobs, settling of Argentine Americans in their ancestors’ country of origin and the settling tourists who want to be citizens in Argentina. Argentina’s immigration policy for migrants from the United States is not very restrictive as compared to the America’s policy for immigrants from Argentina (Hine, 2010). However, due to the restrictions that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Compare between two institutions policies Essay

Compare between two institutions policies - Essay Example The recruitment procedure provides an open door opportunity for a large pool of candidates to apply for the diversified posts. Furthermore, recruitment procedure assists the organisation in attracting qualified candidates. Recruitment facilitates to devise a strategic mode of selection procedure which is aligned with the organisational goals and objectives along with the specific human resources requirements (Robert 3-26). Thesis Statement. With these considerations, the report intends to discuss the recruitment processes being followed by Qatar Petroleum and Google Inc. The report primarily desires to compare and contrast the recruitment process of the two institutions. LITERATURE REVIEW OF RECRUITMENT AS AN IMPORTANT FUNCTION OF HRM According to the view of Schuler and Jackson, recruitment is a process in which an organisation can rely upon the internal or the external labour market for absorption of the resourceful candidates. It has been further noted that although at the entranc e level the recruitment process is not that important but it frames a vital part for other jobs of higher level. It is always considered as a vital process as it enables to draw in an extensive amount of resources. In keeping with the importance of recruitment, it can be well articulated that internal recruiting process mainly relates with the promotion criteria (211-219). According to French and Rumbles, †If the HRM function is to remain effective, there must be consistently good levels of teamwork, plus on-going co-operation and consultation between line managers and the HR manager† (170). In the recent scenario, there have been a number of organisations that are facing problems regarding the accumulation of a pool of quality candidates. The jobs and the vacancies that pertain the requirement of specialised skills and knowledge absorb a longer phase of time (Brown 50-108). COMPARISON AND CONTRAST OF DECISION MAKING PROCESS WITH RESPECT TO RECRUITMENT OF QATAR PETROLEUM AND GOOGLE INCORPORATION Recruitment Process of Qatar Petroleum. In keeping with the recruitment procedure being followed in Qatar Petroleum, it entails basically four steps. The HR recruitment section of the company effectively manages the entire process that starts with the need identification to the job specification. This entire process is executed by the selection and the interview procedures of the resources. On part of the recruitment process of the company, it has been further ascertained that the department managers gain the full support of the HR personnel. Each of the candidates being selected is based upon merit. Furthermore, the selection of the candidates greatly depends upon their basic skills and competencies (Qatar Petroleum, â€Å"

Monday, July 22, 2019

Comparing Two Perspectives of Management Essay Example for Free

Comparing Two Perspectives of Management Essay Management is the attainment of organisational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organising, leading and controlling organisational resources (Samson Daft, 2009, p. 12). In essence, the final outcome of management is to achieve organisation goals and managers in various levels should achieve goals effectively and efficiently by intelligently utilizing financial, human and other resources in hand. The four skills which may assist managers to achieve these organisational goals are planning, organising, leading and controlling. Traditional vs. Modern Perspectives The practice of management can go back as far as 3000 BC. It developed over thousands of years from Traditional style of management to Modern today. Traditional Perspectives Traditional Perspectives includes (Samson Daft, 2009): 1.Classical Perspectives – concentrates on making the organisations an efficient operating machine. 2.Humanistic Perspectives – emphases understanding human behaviour, needs and attitudes in the workplace. It has taken more consideration of behaviors, needs and attitudes as well as social interactions and group processes. *For the purpose of the report, I will not elaborate on each item mentioned above. Use Human Resources Perspective as an example. It suggests that Jobs should be designed to meet higher-level needs by allowing workers to use their full potential (Samson Daft, 2009). This theory was initially supported by a ‘dairy farm’ view and further illustrated by the Maslows hierarchy of needs and McGregor Theory X Theory Y. It is my understanding that the theory suggests people generally perform better if they are given full rein to their imagination and creativity. This, in details, means: 1.People are given freedom to fulfill their desired physiological, safety, love/belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization (Maslow’s Hierarchy) needs and wants. They may not be satisfied with all five of them, but fulfillment in any of the above may somewhat increase productivity; 2.Management assumes that employees enjoy working and will seek responsibilities under working/learning process and does not believe in punishment to keep the employees in line. Instead, it believes that employees will exercise self-control if they’re committed (McGregor’s Theory Y). Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the world leading automobile producers and its philosophy is the famous ‘Toyota Way’. The two pillars are ‘Wisdom and Kaizen (improvement)’ and ‘respect for human nature’ (Saruta 2006). Without going into the full description of ‘Toyota Way’ philosophy, we will mainly discuss one component as an example: Improvement. The company motivates employees through a series of incentives, such as wage, on-job education, and progressive promotion. Hence it presents work as something interesting and worthwhile for worker’s self-motivation. In the Japanese operation, this philosophy helped the company achieved long working hours and concentrated labour. Unfortunately it hasn’t been working as successful in other countries. Does this mean the employees in other countries haven’t fulfilled any of their interests? Managers must understand that employees will be motivated by unmet needs; and that once a need is satisfied, it is no longer a motivator (Fisher 2009). There may be environmental factors the management did not consider. Cultural difference for instance may affect the effectiveness of this philosophy. Being in a country with a generous welfare system like Australia, people’s desire for a balanced work/social life style is much stronger than financial achievement. In this instance, Toyota management in other counties should realise the differences in worker’s needs and present other incentives accordingly. Modern Perspectives Modern Management Trend is developed to collaborate with the more complicated technologies, organisational environment and unforeseeable uncertainties in today’s world. Modern Management Theories are focused on how individuals contribute to organisation and corporate performance while the performance of the chief executive is dictated by the organisation’s financial returns and shareholders’ expectations (Weymes 2004). The three major contemporary extensions of the perspectives (Samson Daft, 2009): 1.System Theory; 2.Contingency View; 3.Total Quality Management. *For the purpose of the report, I will not elaborate on each item mentioned above. Use Contingency View as an example. This theory is an extension of the humanistic perspective in which the successful resolution of organisational problems is thought to depend on management’s identification of key variables in the situation at hand (Samson Daft, 2009). It believes there is no universal approach that works consistently in every situation. Management should always consider aspects within and outside the organisation and utilise various concepts and techniques appropriately. Looking at this theory from a horizontal angle, Knootz (1981) has simplified it into ordinary words, ‘there is science and there is art, there is knowledge and there is practice. One does not need much experience to understand that a corner grocery store could hardly be organised like General Motors, or that the technical realities of petroleum exploration, production, and refining make impracticable autonomously organised product divisions for gasoline, jet fuel, or lubricating oils’. Different organisations have different variables which determine the size of the company, the management hierarchy, the service procedure and so forth. Looking at it from a vertical angle, an organisation may have diversified subsystems and external affiliates. Today’s managers cannot afford to ignore the uncertainties evolved around these elements. Grandori (1984) noted a decision maker needs to classify the state of uncertainty that characterises a decision situation, eliminate the strategies that are not feasible in that situation, and select a feasible strategy. To realise the contingency approach its potential as an effective construct for maintaining and improving managerial effectiveness in a hyper dynamic environment, its development must proceed in a systematic unified and directed manner (Luthans Stewart, 1977). IKEA, as an example, is the world’s most successful mass-market retailer, reaching 33 countries and hosting 410 million shoppers a year; the furniture is made by about 1,500 suppliers in more than 50 countries. Its signature feature is the flat packed product that customers assemble at home. To target the dramatic technology development in 21st century, the company introduced online shopping to address convenience and traceability. The company designs its own, and also broadens the product mix into food and general living supplies (â€Å"IKEA Company Profile†, n.d.). Investment risks can be sufficiently minimised, and it is best described by the old adage â€Å"never put all your eggs in one basket†. Traditionally, a showroom with a team of salesmen and delivery truck drivers is the focal point of a typical furniture retailer. Globalisation and widely spread use of internet will eventually force them out of the market. IKEA tackled these issues from supply-chain, customer satisfaction and diversification of investment risks. It further demonstrates the contingency approach is used to sustain IKEA’s completive edge in all time. Although these strategies may not be suitable in 10 years time, contingency view will always exert management to evaluation situation at hand and make decision accordingly to sustain performance. Conclusion Generally speaking, the traditional perspectives of management tend to standardise a managerial approach across the board by analysing one particular scenario with a number of assumptions. However, the modern perspectives recognise the uncertainties in reality and take many aspects into consideration of their decision making process. Contingency view is not a brand new theory that is completely different from the traditional perspectives. Whilst we are not suggesting the traditional perspectives are untrue, managers should be selective according to the situation at hand and use a combination of approaches to tackle from all angles. Management in the modern world is no longer a unitary practice; it is an art. Continuous education and professional development can only offer the mandatory knowledge. Real life experience and rational conduct at time is the key to successful management.

On the Job Training Essay Example for Free

On the Job Training Essay It also benefits the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. It provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from university. Supervised Industrial Training is an important opportunity for students to seed their careers in a particular industry; or alternately, it may help students to clarify which sector of the industry they wish to pursue a career in. It works to develop an individual’s sense of professionalism by experiencing firsthand the industrys culture and practices; learning from professionals their roles and responsibilities as active professionals. It is here our technical skills as well as our ability to take on and handle given responsibilities and make sound decisions that will strengthen our prospects. It is therefore not uncommon for us students who rise to the challenge to be offered a continuing position after their initial supervised industrial training period. Alternatively, an efficient OJT program furthermore benefits the companies who accommodate trainees. Initially OJT or intern offer further manpower for a slighter compensation than a regular member of staff. Majority of them are all dedicated to be trained so probabilities are high that they will cooperate. Managers can make use of this internship strategy as a scheme in recruiting new employees. Given that the supervisor can keep an eye on the trainees’ development, he/she can determine based on performance, actions and approach if the trainee will make an excellent recruit after the completion of his internship. In Addition, OJT’s are capable to convey bright fact into the group. Known the chance to verbalize their mind liberally and with no apprehension, they perhaps able to contribute substantially in suggestion gathering or research and sooner or later help develop the company’s productivity. At the same time as teaching the interns, supervisors are actually also training their member of staff to development of guiding the trainees broaden their persistence, widen teaching expertise and make them supplementary aware to the requirements and state of mind of the adolescent. The path of supervision as well explains them how to contribute what they know and be sympathetic to enquiry. For this reason, the internship additionally turns out to be an opportunity in training for the future managers of the company. Obliging on SIT can exceptionally be beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that endow with opportunities for this kind of learning. This is also why trainees should undergo their SIT seriously as it may turn out to be a dominant tool and perhaps even a basis of proposal as soon as they acquire that huge raise for being students to career professionals. But most important of all, it is one of the best training methods because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the actual worksite. SIT will generally be the primary method used for broadening trainee skills and increasing productivity. It is particularly appropriate for developing proficiency skills unique to an employees job especially jobs that are relatively requires knowledge and skills to learn and the attitude and whole personality of the student to deal with his superiors, co-workers and subordinates. Morale, productivity, and professionalism will normally be high in those students that undergone SIT program. Thus, these acclimatized qualities will be used by the students to be successful in life. VNR Construction, a company where I’m assigned to learn and experience the construction/development process. VNR Construction was registered with the Department of Trade and Industries in 1999. It is a company and Industry of Engineering and Architecture. Their main line of business is in building construction, labor supply, and steel fabrications. Their project range from private residential buildings to medium rise office towers. This is owned by ENGR. Nelson Remulla, a licensed Electrical Engineer. Company Vision is to have Professionalism on the system of delivering services, and provide quality, competitive price of every undertakings and to deliver the highest level of satisfaction to the clients. VNR had established its name for its quality of work and excellent after sale service which gained for the company the confidence of its clients, likewise due to its flexible organization the company can offer competitive price for its services. Main Mission is to be known as one of the well systematic Construction Company in the field of Planning and Development, It will achieve only in compliance with its quality management system, dedication to their customer, service enhancement, and commitment to serve. II. Job performed in the Company May 21, 2012, it was the date when I first started my day as an OJT at VNR Construction. It is a construction company which is sited at 4th floor VNR business center, Governor’s drive, Langkaan I, City of Dasmarinas Cavite. I was designated at the department called Purchasing Department. This department serves as the central purveyor of tools, equipments, and materials that is necessary to site. Furthermore, at this department, its major task is to hit upon good supplier which supplies good quality of materials at reasonable cost and need to deliver immediately to not have a delay in construction. It must not have delays to maintain the production stream smoothly and prevent waste of time and money. On the first week of my training, I started my work as an assistant and an aid of Mr. John Paolo Modesto – Head of Purchasing Department. He first taught me the pace of purchasing department, rules and regulation, and what is the blend of coffee that my boss likes. I him help arranging company’s documents, photocopy of files, estimate, and answering phone calls. Being an assistant is bland; assuming that it was the only work that I will do for the rest of my OJT. On the second week of my training, it was an honor for me that Engineer has given me a chance to go along on tour with our client. While we are on the trip, I saw how engineer deals with our client. As time goes by, I get used to be a purchaser. My supervisor was trained me to have good communication skills with our suppliers and visitor. He also trained me how to communicate with other supplier to do business with to lowest price possible we could get from them without sacrificing the quality of material we will purchase from them. It is also my task to encode in my database all the materials that have been delivered, to monitor the materials cost in each site. . It is also our task to do monetary report of all projects. So that Engineer can visualize what is happening on every project. We tried our best to come up with 100% accuracy in our report. On the third week of my training, I feel I already worked just like a regular employee of the company. Starting on that time, I feel I was not an assistant or a helper any longer just like on my first day of OJT, but one of trusted personnel on the department. It was privilege to me that my supervisor has trusted to make material request form, purchase request form, purchase order form, transmittals, cash advance of workers, and endorsed me some of important files. It is also an honor to me that the company teaches me how to handle subordinates appropriately. Sometimes I go along with the driver and helper to monitor their progress, to deliver the cash advance/payroll of the workers, to know the concerns of the site, and site inspection to examine the materials that has to be delivered. On the following week of my training, while I was assigned as a purchaser, the company transfer me in the construction department. At that time, I am very excited to work with site because since the first day of my OJT I wish that I would designate to site. At the first day in the site everything is new, new environment, new task, and new supervisor. Furthermore, I struggled to adopt in my new department because from being a purchaser that I accustomed with, I now work as an assistant of Mr. Junmhar Reyes (one of the three professionals site supervisor of VNR). We are assigned in 3rd floor of VNR business center, 1 floor lower from our office, our task to renovate an existing call center and make it a world class piece. I also have a hard time to fulfil all the responsibilities that was hand over to me like monitoring all the works of the worker to check if their work is followed according to plan and correct, making the daily accomplishment report and attendance of workers, and check our material balances. A month later, we were assigned in a new project in Devine Grace Medical Center located in Rosario, Cavite, again it is an existing 7th floor building but the 6th and 7th floor has no room partition because the said two floors is an extension so that the hospital can accommodate more patients. This time it’s more challenging not only because it is far away from our office, not only the site is much larger than our previous project, but because of we have to impressed and show the board how passionate, motivated, and world class output in our work. My supervisor, which is an expert in his field, taught me different techniques, approach, and all the things that he is knowledgeable with. Time came when my supervisor ask me to handle workers. That time is when I used what was taught to me by the company. Being an apprentice on that kind of department was really remarkable. All the techniques that were shared to me will help me a lot for my future career. III. Experience Earned After finishing the required 640 hours of duty for the company, I had may lessons Learned. The ten guidelines for a successful result of work are: 1. Take Risks   Do not be afraid to take risks. Where is the fun in that? If you want something, go for it! Do not try and justify every action you make. Sometimes, all you have to do is to take that big leap! We usually allow ourselves to settle at what is safe and secure and yet we end up wondering at all the â€Å"what if’s? and â€Å"what could have been’s? This is more logical than waiting for opportunity to knock on your door which may or may never come. 3. Have a Plan   Always have a plan. This is the best way to stay on track with your goals. Set a milestone which will provide as your visual in what you are working for, what you have successfully achieved, and what you need to do better. 4. Stay Motivated   When you’re too busy getting what you want you also exhausts all your energies with it and this becomes critical because this is usually the reason why we lose the battle. Half-way through, we get tired and lose the desire to go on. It is important to stay motivated. Remind yourself with the reasons as to why you are working hard. Read motivational quotes and articles. Assure yourself that every effort exerted will eventually pay-off in the long run. 5. Be Patient   Always remember that attaining goals almost always takes time. Be kind to yourself and the people around you because everything is actually a process in working your way up the ladder each day. 8. Reward yourself   As you surpass every milestone try and treat yourself for a job well done. 7. Do not Stop Learning   You may feel that you have already become an expert in your field when you’ve been working on it for so long. But this shouldn’t be the reason why you should stop learning. Keep innovating! New ideas and new ventures help keep the fire burning! 8. Learn to Delegate   When you are getting close to your goals you will find out that there are many more things to do than hours in the day. Find someone to help take some of your load so you can focus on things that need your full attention. 9. Raise your Standards   Always learn to â€Å"Step-up! † Increase your standard and strive for more! Not only with your accomplishments but also with your trials and your failures. It will keep you humble, which in turn, will help you continue striving for success. Training inside the company the company is a learning experience each day. I learned how to appreciate the lessons studied in school. I was able to realize the important principles, theories, and concepts that were discussed inside the classroom. And also I understand that everything that was thought inside the school especially in our laboratory shops class can be a tool that can be used in future career. Like me as an Architecture Technology student, how can I understand and read a whole plan if I don’t know anything about the basic of architecture. Second, how can I use the Autocad and Google Sketch Up if I haven’t experience them using in school. Lastly, How can I give proper reports if no has tried to teach how to use all the Microsoft office programs. No doubt, my school Technological University of the Philippines – Cavite Campus teaches me to the career I’ve chose. There once told me that the knowledge we learn for our school is only 10% of what we must learn and the 90% is learn in actual job. And that’s what VNR Construction do; it fulfills all the remaining 90%. As I was working as a trainee at VNR construction, I learned to become a hard-working person. Time to complete the output product is not important, but the quality. I also learned to follow the instructions as what the superior’s said and to accept opinion that they suggested. The training served as the stepping stone to me to the real life of an architect. It served as the beginning the real life of being an employee. I realized that learning is a lifetime commitment that is continues even you already have a job. The training gave me more initiative to my chosen career. I was more encouraged to pursue the Architecture Technology course. The training inspired me to enhance my skills and knowledge in the field of architecture technology. I was given some ideas what could be the feeling or situation being an employee. The training enriched my individuality as a beginner and created the foundation of being a good worker. The best thing that I have gained inside the company was the good orientation of the person having the higher positions. As Architecture Technology student, the OJT made me realize the importance of the course that I am taking. It made me realize the essential role of a architect in a company. An architect can take the work of electrical and civil engineering, but, no other course can takes place the work architect in a company. To be a competent one, not only an architect must understand what he/she is drawing with, the process and the underlying principles but also be knowledgeable in the field of construction. An architect must also possess good communication and leadership skill. The students have undergone a good training. The task given to me was an application of my shop subject of my course. The design of the project has a great in connection to the subjects. The anthropometry deals with the study of human dimensions were exactly related to what was discussed inside the classroom. I was technically given actual problems that have a main concern with the architecture technology subjects. The nature of the career course was the main focus of the training. This training will be useful if the nature of their training have the major concern for their chosen career. The trainees would able to use the experiences they have gone through during the training whenever they are already in the field of specialization. At the school, being late is better than absent. But as what I have learned at VNR Construction, being absent is better than being late. Being absent can be a cause of emergency situations like sickness, unpredicted travels and phenomena, while, being late is a cause of misbehaviour and unable to manage the time. I was training at VNR Construction for almost four months, I observed the daily activities and practices that the workers inside the company, as well as rules and regulation that all workers and employees must comply with. I easily observed that all workers inside the construction site must wear their proper uniform during working hours. Even the sweepers who clean the yard must wear complete uniform. Any workers who will notice without in their proper PPE will be given a punishment which may result in lay off the worker out of the company; reminding everyone that those people were violators. Safety inside the company was really strict. Another thing that I observed was the rules and regulation that the company initiated. Before entering the construction site at taguig, regular frisking and baggage inspections were conducted. Car and Delivery truck without gate pass cannot enter inside site except for the visitors. Trainees are not included as a visitor. Another was the NO smoking, sleeping and by standing rule. Any violators who will be caught will fine an amount of one thousand pesos. Gadgets like mobile phones and portable mp3 players are not allowed during working hours. Requests like emergency calls are accepted making sure that the call was important and entertain able. During my training at VNR Construction, I learned to interact with other people. We know that people have different characteristics and attitudes; however, making friends with the trainee’s co-workers doesn’t make difficult. Even though I was only a trainee, they don’t treat me like others. And as a trainee, I don’t feel uncomfortable as I worked with them. From the interaction I made with them, and later I learned to work with patience. Although thoroughly working on something was time consuming, the quality of the output product is the most important. I also learned from my co-worker’s experiences and mistakes and apply them whenever he needed it. They also encouraged me to go on with my studies until I become a professional. Although I worked and interact with them for a short period of time, I learned a lot to them; the skills and techniques that they shared with me that cannot be find on the books. IV. Problem met while on training Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. While on my training I think no problem has aroused. Our coordinator has visited us in our company to monitor our progress, as they have said in the first day of OJT orientation. I’ve experienced a lot of problems during the first initial weeks of my training, this problems aroused due to the lack of background knowledge about the industry. During the first few initial weeks I was working so slowly, I had problems adjusting to the work environment, that my supervisor got irritated at me and complained about my work etiquette, I explained my side and I gradually got things fix. Yes, I have to admit I did screw up during my training, I broke this and damaged that, but in the end I learned from my mistakes. I remember what the Manager used to tell me, â€Å"That’s why you’re here, to learn. † And I’m proud to say that I didn’t make the same mistake twice. V. Suggestions and Recommendations The company created a good service to their clients and gave the best training for the students. The students must have a good company that would give them a good training ground and would enhance their knowledge and capabilities. The school must have the good coordination for some companies that offer an annual On the Job Training inside their company. The school should provide more budgets given to the OJT coordinators to have the best monitoring of the training the students are taking. One of the best ways of training is the provincial trainings that would give different experiences to the trainees. An out of town training would give more self esteem to the students. The evening students have their training at 4th year and first semester of the year. It is more efficient if they will take it 4th year of their last semester. In some cases having their training during the first semester of their 4th year of school would sometimes affect the rhythm of their schooling because in evening students OJT have their preferred pre-requisite subjects that once not taken would give a big effect to the arrangement of the student’s subjects. Instead of the regular schedule of years of studying, once being affected by the pre-requisite subjects, the students would waste some of the time spending for the subjects affected by the OJT.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Employee Relations within TESCO plc

Employee Relations within TESCO plc Table of Contents Introduction Task 1 1.1. Compare the three main learning styles of the HRD theory and apply them in relation to the company outlined in the shaping your future. 1.2. Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of the transferring learning to the workplace in TESCO. 1.3. Assess the contribution of the learning styles and theories when planning and designing the learning event for the TESCO. Task 2 2.1. Compare the training needs for the staff at the different levels in the organization. 2.2. Assess the advantages and the disadvantages of both on job and off job training methods used in an organization. 2.3. Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for five of your staff working at various levels in the organization outlined in the shaping your future. Task 3 3.1 3.2. Using suitable techniques prepare and carry out a training event in an organization outlined in the â€Å"shaping your future† section, identifying the following: Who should evaluate the training? What should be evaluated? When should evaluation take place? Why do we need an evaluation? 3.3. As the company director, explain what are the various models of evaluation that could be used to review the success of the evaluation methods. Task4 4.1. Explain how the UK government has encouraged training, development and lifelong learning over the past years in the NEET sector. 4.2. Explain how the development of the competency movement has impact on the public and the private sectors of the country. 4.3. Analyze how contemporary training initiatives introduced in the UK government has contributed to the HRD policy of the organization identified in the shaping your future? Conclusion References Introduction This project is all about the employees relations with the organization TESCO, Plc. It is the responsibility of the company to assess the skills and the knowledge of their employees and helps them in achieving their goals. The company arranges the various training programs for their employees. TESCO is the multinational grocery merchandise company in the United Kingdom. It founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen and known as the third largest company as a retailer from its profits. Task 1 1.1. Compare the three main learning styles of the HRD theory and apply them in relation to the company outlined in the shaping your future. Honey Mumford defines the three main learning styles of the Human Resource Development related to the company TESCO Plc, UK. 1. Activist: In this learning style, various discussions held in the employees group, abilities handling the problems and qualities of learning tasks are use for performing the various functions held in the TESCO. The team members follow the above styles at the time of facing new environment and the challenge like introduction of the new grocery product by the company or initiate any new offer to the consumers. 2. Reflectors: This style reflects the jobs of operations of the employees of the company TESCO. One can use this for evaluating their own operations by considering the feedback through colleagues and the consumers. Feedback can review to make the performance better (Argyris and Schon,1997). 3. Theorists: Employees those are following the particular learning style first goes through the task completely and does the proper analysis. After analyzing all the pros and cons then reach to the conclusion and take some relevant decision. 4. Pragmatists: A proper planning requires solving any of the problems occur inside the company TESCO Plc. The employees accepts new challenges and adapts new surroundings with proper adjustments but does the perfect planning before performing for the operations to get them complete. 1.2. Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of the transferring learning to the workplace in TESCO. A learning curve is the representation in the graphs that shows the development by following the continuous techniques by the TESCO, Plc. Through this curve, the company can achieve its goal in the new surroundings of the job. Experience can enhance the knowledge and the skills but the new techniques use by the company only for facing the new challenges and meet new targets. Continuous assessment can improve the skills of the employees. The importance of transferring the learning to the TESCO, Plc is all about the expectations of the company, innovation and the planning of the career made by all employees. It is the essential tool for the workforce to enhance the wide scope of the opportunities within the company (Doorewaard and Benschop, 2003). Various training events organized by the TESCO for improving the skills of the staff members. It increases the employee’s ability. It gives the chance to the management to evaluate the knowledge of the employees and remove any flaws if there. 1.3. Assess the contribution of the learning styles and theories when planning and designing the learning event for the TESCO. The theories of learning help in understanding the factors of the company TESCO, plc and about the workforces. Learning event is organizes by the company for the employees to meet their company goals. Acquisition of theories state about the structures, types of the learning and its implementations that how knowledge is relevant directly. The company faces the new challenges because of the new structure and the values of the TESCO, Plc. They select the particular learning theory and the style after consider the changes, improvements and the scope of the accountability. An appropriate event designs by the employer for the better results by showing the great impact on the employee’s performance. Task 2 2.1. Compare the training needs for the staff at the different levels in the organization. The company should give the family atmosphere to the employees for motivating them. Requirement varies at the different level of the staff members. Needs of training at the different levels in the TESCO, Plc are. Management Level Leadership quality, taking decisions, Developing skills Consumer Level Manages all queries and complaints by giving solutions. Workshops for the qualitative consumer service. Operation Level Advice for improving the performance and review them of the managers to improve their efficiency and gives them motivation. In the company TESCO, Plc Managerial staff acts as the trainers and counsel their team members in increasing their skills. Employees at the various levels grow as per their accountability of job activities and circumstances (Budhwar, 2000). 2.2. Assess the advantages and the disadvantages of both on job and off job training methods used in an organization. TESCO conducts various training events for their employees for bringing the changes in their working areas. Managers give proper coaching to their team for making their career. The on job and the off job training methods are- 2.3. Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for five of your staff working at various levels in the organization outlined in the shaping your future. A training system organizes by the company where management plays a participative role along with their employees. They recognize the employee’s problems and provide them the various solutions. The solution is first assess and then implemented. Training Method: The top management will collect own conclusions. All employees called for participating in the problem solving session. Time allotted and discussion held among the employees. All employees provide the different solutions to the particular problem as per their own thinking skills (Farquharson and Baum , 2002). The management will evaluate their solutions and make judgment. Both managers and employees participate equally in bringing the change in the environment of the TESCO and for making the best corrections. (Source: Own) Task 3 3.1 3.2. Using suitable techniques prepare and carry out a training event in an organization outlined in the â€Å"shaping your future† section, identifying the following: Who should evaluate the training? The people at managerial level and the management arranges the training events foe their employees for evaluating their skills and their working effectiveness. What should be evaluated? Skills, working behavior of the employees evaluate by the management and then the management gets aware about their needs for the training. When should evaluation take place? Evaluation of the employees done by the management should takes place at regular interval in various forms. It is done by judging the job operational activities performs by the employees and helps them in concluding their behavior and knowledge that shows that whether they require any training or not (Walker James, 2001). Why do we need an evaluation? It shows the responsibility of the employees those are taking the training and assess their skills and the knowledge that reflects their improvement area. 3.3. As the company director, explain what are the various models of evaluation that could be used to review the success of the evaluation methods. The various models use for evaluation that helps in reviewing the success of the evaluation method are- Kirk Patric model, CITO model, ROI model. These models evaluates the impact of the training so that it may improve in the future if requires. The four levels involves in the Kirk Patric model are Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Results. At the time of training operation, managers give the problems to the employees and observe the activities involves in such circumstances. Reaction shows by the trainees (Redman and Wilkinson, 2001). It clears that how well they have attain the training and useful for them. Learning measures reveals what employees as trainees have learnt from the training events and that impact on their behavior. Various outcomes of the business operations show the results of the training. It shows that whether the training events are beneficial for the trainees or not. Task4 4.1. Explain how the UK government has encouraged training, development and lifelong learning over the past years in the NEET sector. The United Kingdom’s government plays an important role in providing the training to the human resources of both the public and the private sectors. As the biggest retail grocery stores, TESCO contributes to the economy of the UK at its maximum. The development of the skills and the efficiency of the employees devote more in the economy of the country (Moon, 1999). The government arranges the various programs for the employees for their self-lifelong learning process. 4.2. Explain how the development of the competency movement has impact on the public and the private sectors of the country. The competency movement leaves the impact on both the public and the private sectors of the country. It compels the other company and considers their job operations of their own. Both the sectors involves equally in increasing the economy of the country. Nobody wants the environment of the competition that slows down their pace towards the success (Liao, 2005). It evaluates the company TESCO and suggest it various measures in the form of training programs to improve the performance. Audit of the company plays the major role here in assessing the business operations of the company. The competent movement maintains the friendly environment to encourage workers for their highest sincerity. Competitive circumstances give more opportunities to the companies to learn more from their personal experiences. 4.3. Analyze how contemporary training initiatives introduced in the UK government has contributed to the HRD policy of the organization identified in the shaping your future? Training programs arranges by the organization TESCO itself for its employees brings the new change for the company and devotes the major portion in enhancing the economy of the country. It improves the working surroundings of the TESCO Plc that moves towards the development. The company can easily face the competitive environment. An acceptance of the contemporary initiatives of training are relate with the decision making as per the structure of the company (Montagu ,1999). Conclusion The success of the training programs does not depend on the levy of the employees but it arranges for analyzing their abilities employed in the company. TESCO is the retail distributor/ merchandiser in the UK performing all its operations in the wide market of the country. Their main strength is the personnel soul presumes the goals of the company at the high rate than never before. They helps in analyzing the environment provide to the consumers by the employees. Various styles are opt by the employees in handling different problems arouse in an organization and the skills of the employees are improve by these training events only. It makes the employees capable enough to face every type of problem and solve them effectively on the base of their improved skills. As a result, the company enhances their business, earns more revenues and helps in enhancing the economy of the United Kingdom. References Argyris .C and Schon. D ,1997. â€Å"Organizational Learning: a theory in action perspective†. New York: Addison-Wesley. Budhwar. P, 2000. â€Å"Evaluating levels of strategic integration and devolvement of human resource management in the UK† , Personnel Review. Vol. 29 Issue 2. pp.141-157 Doorewaard. H and Benschop .Y, 2003. â€Å"HRM and organizational change: an emotional endeavor†. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol. 16 Issue 3. pp.272- 286 Farquharson. L and Baum .T, 2002. â€Å"Enacting organisational change programmes: a centre stage role for HRM?†. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 14 Issue 5. pp.243-250 Liao. Y, 2005. â€Å"Business strategy and performance: the role of human resource management control†, Personnel Review, Vol. 34 Issue 3. pp.294-309. Montagu. A ,1999. â€Å"Race and IQ† (Expanded Edition). New York. Oxford University Press. Moon. J, 1999. â€Å"Reflection in Learning and Professional Development†: theory and practice. London. Kogan Page 0-7494-2864-3. Redman. T and Wilkinson. A, 2001. â€Å"Contemporary Human Resource Management – Text and Cases†. Prentice Hall. Walker, James. W, 2001. â€Å"Perspectives; Emerging Trends and issues in Human Resource Development and Implementation†. Human Resource Planning. March 13. IGNOU, School of Management.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Truth about Single- Sex Schooling Essay -- Argumentative Persuasiv

Single-Sex Schooling Single-Sex Schools have been looked down upon by many due to the belief that students will not be able to function comfortably with the opposite sex when leaving to go to a coeducational College or University. This belief is usually also partnered with the thought that single-sex schools represent segregation, many people do believe that these types of schools promote the separation of males and females. Some also may believe that all single-sex schools are in fact private, meaning that tuition for these schools are expensive, and cater to the wealthy. However, all of these beliefs are far from the truth. Not only are single sex schools offered in public education, but studies have also shown that attending single-sex schools can be very beneficial in succeeding both academically and socially. Single-Sex education is especially beneficial for young females. This type of education offers females a more comfortable way of learning, students feel more comfortable asking questions and sp eaking up in a classroom setting. Also, teachers can focus on gender issues facing young females today, such as body concerns as well as focusing on more challenging subjects for young girls. Through studies made from various single-sex female schools, as well as the research made through comparisons to coeducational schools, the belief that single-sex school as being a bad idea is shown to be not only incorrect, but also a completely misguided belief. Unfortunately, for many adolescent and teenage girls? eating disorders and body concerns are very prevalent. However, according to a study made by Janel Messinger, a The Truth about Single- Sex Schooling representative from the Department of psychology at the City Universi... looked into the fabulous opportunities that their child could experience, traditions are formed, friends are made, and the education the students will have will truly last a lifetime. Works Cited: Blair, H. & Sanford, K. (1999). Single-sex classrooms: A place for transformation of policy and practice. pp.4-9. Retrieved on April 14 from Eric/EBSCO. Dollison, R.A. (1998). A comparison of the effect of single sex and coeducational schooling arrangements on the self-esteem and mathematics achievement of adolescent females. pp. 6-9. Retrieved on April 12 from Eric/EBSCO. Haag, P. (2000). K-12 single sex education: What does research say? pp.2-5. Retrieved on March 23 from Eric/EBSCO. Messinger, J. (2001). Gender and body concerns in adolescent females: Single sex and coeducational environments. pp. 5-9. Retrieved on February 28 from Eric/EBSCO.